Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thing #5- RSS Feed

I am pretty familiar with RSS feeds as I currently have a personal blog and "follow" others from there. I am new, however, to Google Reader, and I really like it! Much better than Blogger's dashboard. :)

I really enjoyed this post about technology tools we need in our classrooms. When I saw the title, I expected a long list with things on it that my campus has little or no hope of getting. I was pleasantly surprised to see that my classroom is already equipped with the technology essentials the writer recommends. I think this is critical for me as a teacher because it gives me NO EXCUSES for not incorporating technology into my classroom. I already have the tools that I need and the world at my fingertips thanks to the Internet. I spent some time this past year finding resources on Discovery Education and was very pleased with most of what I found. I plan to spend more time this summer finding ways to incorporate technology into current units and lesson plans.

1 comment:

  1. NO EXCUSES! Go, Girl, Go! You can do it! I know you can! :)
