Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thing #7- Commenting

I think commenting on blogs is important because the comments are where the discussion happens! Obviously the blog post itself is essential because it contains the information, but it is only one person's opinion. The comments made on the blog include many differing opinions and make the writer and readers THINK.

Drape's post on Edublogger Etiquette is insightful because it implies that by ignoring the comments on blog posts, the author is essentially missing out on opportunities to discuss and grow.

I would really like to investigate this topic more and find a way to incorporate blogging into my classroom. How cool would it be to give students a place where they can ask questions and feed on one another's thoughts in order to LEARN???? And as I learned from Drape's site, as the teacher I could use those comments to fuel another post or even class discussions! I am getting excited about this- anyone have any success stories or ideas for classroom/student blogging???

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the comments allow a discussion and opportunities to learn.

    Currently, I don't know of anyone using blogs in their classroom, only what I've read on other blogs. I'm looking at ways to use blogs too and I think it could easily become a warm-up activity.
