Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Thing #18- YouTube and TeacherTube

To be honest, I don't use YouTube much. I know in years past it has been blocked by our district filter, so I couldn't even tell you if it available for use on our campuses or not. Ha! I do really like TeacherTube and have used videos from there in lessons in the classroom. YouTube has such a VAST amount of videos, that it kind of overwhelms me to search it. I did become familiar with the specific tags I needed to search and discovered that the more tags you put in, the less videos are returned in your search. That helped me not to be so overwhelmed. I found several interesting videos on YouTube and TeacherTube that could be used to facilitate lessons in the classroom. I try to stay away from BORING at all costs (because if I as the teacher don't even want to watch it, my students definitely won't want to!), and I found some great funny and cartoon type videos that I could use to beef up my lessons! I found the video below on my 5th or 6th search, and it is pretty funny to me! I think I will play it for my students during the first week of school to break the ice and get the discussion going about the importance of math and why we learn. Enjoy!

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